[new] “File > Revert to saved” in the menu allows to drop all unsaved changes to the current project.
[new] The label “Model fit” replaces “Learning”.
[improved] Less requirements for automatic generation of future timestamps.
[improved] Now GS suggests to save the current project before loading a new one.
[improved] “Model fit” replaces “Learning” in the titles.
[improved] Confusion matrix tab now has two sub-tabs with classification results.
[bug] Inability to save postprocessed predictions to a CSV-file.
[bug] Classification wizard crashes GS.
[bug] “Limit decomposition to” doesn't work for numeric decomposition.
[bug] Binary decomposition prevents GS from detecting if a target was erroneously added to input variables.
[bug] Problems with handling NULL values.
[bug] Ability to load a new project using the Home tab even if current project is being processed.