Table of Contents


Solver module produces predictive models for target variables.

Reorder rows

Reorder rows is used to achieve uniform statistical characteristics of training and testing samples and to makes them equally informative. This technique works well for all problem types including time series models.

Solver panel

No Reordering is turned-off
Odd/even Places all even instances after odd instances. Example: 1,2,3,4,5,61,3,5,2,4,6
Asc.+ Odd/evenAscending sorting of observations (by target values) prior to Odd/even reordering.
Desc.+ Odd/evenDescending sorting of observations (by target values) prior to Odd/even reordering.

Validation strategy

Validation strategy is used to select a method for model validation and sorting out.

Options Description
Training/testingSplits dataset into two parts, uses the training part to find model coefficients and uses the testing part to compare and select a set of the best models.
Whole data testingSplits dataset, trains model using the training part, but uses both parts for testing
k-fold validationSplits dataset onto k parts, trains a model k times using k-1 parts, each time measuring model performance using a new remaining part. Finally residuals obtained from all testing parts are added and used for model comparison.
k-fold training In contrast to the k-fold validation, k-fold training uses k-1 parts to test the model and only 1 part to estimate coefficients. In other aspects it's similar to the k-fold validation. This is rather an extreme method that is used to stop over-fitting when other methods do not work.
Leave-one-out CVThis is a k-fold cross-validation with the number of folds equal to the number of observations in the dataset

Train/test ratio is used to split the dataset into training and testing part. Percentage or exact quantities are used. For example, if we would like to split a dataset containing 200 observations using the ratio 4:1, we can apply percentage 80:20 or exact number of observations 160:40.

Validation criterion

Defines model selection criterion for both the core algorithm and variables ranking.

Options Description
RMSE select models with the lowest RMSE calculated for the testing sample.
MAE select models with the lowest MAE calculated for the testing sample.
RMSE⋅balance RMSE criterion penalized by the difference between training and testing sample RMSE.

Variables ranking

Variables ranking turns on preliminary ranking and reduction of variables.

No Turned-off
by error (independent) Ranking of variables according to their individual ability to predict testing data
by usage (combinatorial) Ranking of variables according to their importance for Combinatorial Core algorithm with limited complexity (equal to 2). Importance is calculated as the number of times the variables appear in the set of best models.
Drop variables after rank n

Reduces the number of variables to n i.e. keeps n most important variables according to the selected ranking algorithm. Preliminary reduction of variables may reduce the quality of models, but it is definitely useful for quicker processing of high-dimensional datasets.

Core algorithm

You can select one of the available statistical learning algorithms. The description of algorithms implemented in GMDH Shell can be found in Learning algorithms

Combinatorial Best subsets regression, combinatorial search
Neural-typePolynomial neural networks of GMDH-type.


Limit Complexity to n

Any particular model may consist of not more than n terms.

Additional variables

Expands dataset with the new artificial features. Higher-dimensional space frequently helps to improve the Classification and Regression models. Be careful with expanding of more than 20 initial variables because the number of all possible pairs grows fast.

NoNo additional variables except constant term.
xi·xj Adds all possible multiplied pairs.
xi·xj, xj² Adds all possible multiplied pairs and squares.
xi·xj, xi/xj Adds all possible multiplied and divided pairs. Skips pairs that cause dividing by zero.
Custom Uses terms of custom polynomial function as new variables, see Custom polynomial

Be aware of quick growing of memory and time consumption.

The number of
initial variables
Resulting number of variables
No xi·xj xi·xj, xi²xi·xj, xi/xj
2 3 4 6 5
3 4 7 10 10
5 6 16 21 26
10 11 56 66 101
20 21 211 231 401
50 51 1276 1326 2501
100 101 5051 5151 10001
200 201 20101 20301 40001
500 501 125251 125751 250001


Neuron inputs

The number of input variables allowed for a neuron. It is quite efficient to use two inputs for any neuron. Otherwise the computational task may become too complex.

Neuron function

Sets the type of the internal function for neurons. The neurons are active, i.e. each neuron can drop some of the function terms in order to increase overall predictive power of the model.

a0 + a1·xi + a2·xjLinear
a0 + a1·xi + a2·xj + a3·xi·xj Polynomial
a0 + a1·xi + a2·xj + a3·xi·xj + a4·xi² + a5·xj²Quadratic polynomial
Custom Uses custom polynomial function defined by user, see Custom polynomial
Max. number of layers

Sets the upper limit for the number of network layers created by the algorithm.

Initial layer width

Initial layer width defines how many neurons are added to the set of inputs at each new layer.

Set parallel threads manually

When turned-on, this option allows manual control of the number of parallel processing threads. When turned-off, the number of threads is equal to the number of logical processors i.e. processor cores or hyper-threading cores in your PC.

Custom polynomial

 Custom polynomial

You can configure a Custom polynomial function to be used for generation of Additional variables or as a Neuron function. When the 'Custom' option is selected in the corresponding list of options, a dialog window called Custom polynomial is shown.

Max. power of a variable

Sets the upper limit for power of any variable in a polynomial term.

Min. power of a variable

Sets the lower limit for power of any variable in a polynomial term.

For example, if Max. power is 3 and Min. power is -2, then the following terms are included to the custom polynomial: x13, x12, x1, 1 (constant term), 1/x1, 1/x12. If Min. power is 1 or higher then resulting polynomial will not include a constant term.

Max. total power in a term

Sets a limit for sum of absolute powers of all variables in a polynomial term.

For example, if Max total power is 3 then the following terms can be included: x1*x22, x1*x2-2, x1*x2*x3, …

Max. number of variables in a term

Sets the maximum number of variables in any polynomial term. For example, if Max. number of variables is 3, then the following terms can be included: x1*x2*x3, (x12)*(x24)*(x3-1) …

Here are some configuration examples for two input variables:

Max. power = 2, Min. power = 0, Max total power = 2, Max number in a term = 2 results in:

y(x1,x2) = a0 + a1*x1 + a2*x2 + a3*x1*x2 + a4*x12 + a5*x22

Max. power = 4, Min. power = 0, Max total power = 4, Max number in a term = 1 results in:

y(x1,x2) = a0 + a1*x1 + a2*x12 + a3*x13 + a4*x14 + a5*x2 + a6*x22 + a7*x23 + a8*x24