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How to really use QuickBooks in Full View with Streamline as a true MRP tool: Live webinar

Topic: How to really use QuickBooks in Full View with Streamline as a true MRP tool

For any business to run successfully, the present should not be its only focus, as it should have a clear and well-thought-out plan for the future too. Capacity requirements planning is mainly a process that a company uses to determine how much it should produce so that it will be able to meet future demands. One has to understand both under and overproduction can be detrimental to the growth of the firm, as it can culminate in losses.

For everyone working on running a business through smart forecasting and chosen business priorities, optimization of the operational processes is the key focus. In this webinar, Peter Butcher – Operations and IT Consultant, will provide you with the live case study of how their company optimizes processes using QuickBooks ERP and Streamline as an MRP tool.

During the webinar we talked about:

  • QuickBooks Overview and short-comings in a Manufacturing world
  • Introduction to Streamline as a true MRP tool
  • Providing Full MRP detail for Purchasing
  • Automatically creating PO’s in QuickBooks if desired
  • Providing Production requirements needed to schedule Assembly Lines / Shop floor
  • About the speaker:

    Peter Butcher, Operations & IT Consultant at SSV Works – supply chain expert with 20+ years of experience working with private and public companies in retail, wholesale, technology and manufacturing verticals. Seasoned leader with proven successes in both domestic and international logistics and distribution. Key focus is driving and implementing cost reduction initiatives throughout the Supply Chain.

    Language: English

    Further Videos:

    Still relying on manual work in Excel for planning?

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