Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) help to achieve company’s strategic and tactical goals. Companies use KPIs to track their position and to evaluate the implementation of the strategy.
重要業績評価指標(KPI) は、企業の戦略的な目標の達成の手助けとなります。 企業は、KPIを利用して自身の位置を追跡し、戦略の遂行を評価します。
Streamline allows to supervise the following KPIs:
GMDH Streamlineでは、次のKPIを管理しています。:
The Key Performance Indicators are displayed in Demand forecasting tab per item and in the Reports tab as a report. In the Demand forecasting tab, the Key Performance Indicators are located on the bottom right panel as a separate KPIs tab.
The KPIs report can be viewed in the Reports tab. The report can be aggregated by an item, item category, or location using the Aggregate by control.
As the KPIs improve, the supply chain works more efficiently and the profitability grows to the capital being released and the lost sales being prevented.