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User Guide

1. Streamline Client

2.Streamline Server

3. Starting Up

4. Connecting data

5. Demand and Sales Forecasting

6. Inventory Planning

7. Reference

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7.9.1 Toolbar

The Toolbar of the Demand forecasting tab consists of:

  • Search bar is used to find an item in the Tree view by the item code or item description. To start the search, click the search button or press Enter.
  • Settings opens the Program settings dialog which allows customizing the program, current project, and the main Streamline tabs.
  • Approve/unapprove button approves or unapproves the forecasts of the selected node (and all the children nodes) in the Tree view.
  • Needs Attention button marks one chosen item to be further checked or adjusted.
  • Checked button marks a selected item as verified.
  • Add note button allows you to add an annotation to the selected node in the Tree view or the active editable cell in the Table.
  • Forecast versions button opens a dialog for forecast version configuration.
  • “Bread crumbs” indicate the path to the currently selected Tree view node and allows you to pick any hierarchy level of this path by clicking on one of the Bread crumbs elements.

By default, Streamline always re-forecasts the project as you:

2019/05/31 15:19 · admin
iv-toolbar.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/27 12:03 by admin