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User Guide

1. Streamline Client

2.Streamline Server

3. Starting Up

4. Connecting data

5. Demand and Sales Forecasting

6. Inventory Planning

7. Reference


4.1. Streamline Connectors

Data import is the first step in creating a new project in Streamline. Streamline can import data from numerous data sources starting from Excel files in different formats and ending with various databases and built-in connectors for popular ERP systems (see figure below).

All Streamline's connections can be divided into the following categories:

  • Excel connection. This is designed to import data from Excel files and CSV files in certain formats.
  • Database connection. This connection is the most generic and powerful. It allows you to pull data from any database that has an ODBC driver.
  • 3rd party system connections. These connections were specifically designed to work with a certain accounting or inventory management system. They have a simple user interface and require minimum effort to import the data into Streamline.
  • Custom API connection. This one should be used if your ERP system doesn't have a built-in API that provides required data. In this case, you should implement custom-made API endpoints on the ERP's side according to the technical requirements.

Each of these connections imports a different set of data that is limited by certain data source abilities. For example, the ODBC/OLEDB connection allows importing/exporting the full range of data, unlike the Excel connection based on Aggregated data has the minimum abilities.

Next: Imported data

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streamline-connectors.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/19 10:06 by admin